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School teachers, doctors and actors were among those arrested.īeaven-Desjardins said the investigation began with a Toronto man accused of running a company since 2005 that distributed child pornography videos. Police said the children were 'rescued from child exploitation' but did not give more details. Others were arrested in other countries.Īustralian Federal Police commander Glen McEwen on Friday confirmed that 65 men had been arrested in Australia as a result of the Canadian investigation, and six Australian children had been removed from harm. Police said 108 people were arrested in Canada and 76 in the U.S.

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'It is alleged that officers seized hundreds of thousands of videos detailing horrific sexual acts against very young children, some of the worst that they have ever viewed,' Inspector Joanna Beaven-Desjardins said.

Toronto police describe the Project Spade operation as one of the largest child porn busts they've ever seen.

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